Thursday, January 10, 2008

Big Decisions

Dear Colton,

Tomorrow you are 5 months old. Every day your daddy and me learn a little more about you and try to decide what the best things are for you. Right now many parents have the tough decision about weather or not to vaccinate their babies. When I was little there was hardly any question about it...I assume the moms and dads that decided not to immunize were called "hippies". But now there is a big debate and I go back and forth.

Soon you will be ready for solid foods and I have been thinking about making your baby food instead of buying it. Right now your nanna and grandma Debbie are reading this and rolling their eyes. But I figure since your daddy works hard enough to allow me to stay home with you, why not give it a try. I'm sure the first time I get carrots sprayed all over me from the food processor I will say some bad words you shouldn't hear and I will give up, but at least I tried. Stay tuned.

I guess my point is that these first couple of years are so important and we want you to know how much you are loved. We may make the wrong decisions sometimes but we try our best.

Yesterday I took you to the pediatrician and asked him a bunch of questions about how much you should be nursing, how much you should be sleeping, how do I give you rice cereal and if he could see your teeth coming soon. You were your charming self and the doctor was enamored by you. So at the end of the appointment I realized that I had paid a $15 co-pay to listen to myself talk and have the doctor play with you. But your dad reminded me that all of those things we are probably doing right and I am worrying for nothing (big sigh). With that, I decided to stop worrying and enjoy you every second. And I do.

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