Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fourteen Months old!

So, it's been over 2 months since my last post, and mostly it's simply because I've been swamped, not because nothing has been going on with Colton. As I type this, he is pulling the food processor out of the cabinet and yelling at it.

He is about 75% walking, but he gets there faster if he crawls, so he chooses to more often than not. He started going to daycare part time when I started school 2 months ago, and that was a hrder adjustment on me than it was for him. Luckily, it has worked out well, there are other kids there for him to play with, lots of toys and even a dog!

Right now one of my favorite things to do with Colton is to share food. He knows if I sit down with a bowl or a plate of anything he stops whatever he's doing to quickly come over to me so we can eat. He loves pretty much anything, shredded wheat cereal, spicy foods, pretty much the only thing he has rejected is avocado. And he's not shy about shoving food in his mouth either. I went to the Wild Animal Park with my friend Annamaria and her son Brayden, who is 2 months older than Colton and I gave Brayden one of Colton's favorite snacks, a mini Nilla Wafer. Brayden politely took little bites out of the cookie to eat it. I gave Colton two cookies and he shoved both in his mouth at the same time.

His first word a couple of months ago was "NO!" He said it to me with emphasis when I asked him to give me a kiss. It was also the day I decided to stop nursing, so it was a sad day.