Sunday, April 4, 2010

George and the New Guys

So, Colton has a little action figure guy we've named George. He came with a Catipillar dump truck and he's an oh-so-cool looking construction man. Colton plays with him in the bathtub, in his sandbox, pretty much everywhere. He's chewed on his feet so the paint has worn off and the toes turn upward. It's his only action figure and upon realizing he was playing pretend with him, Jason went out and bought him a pack of 3 new guys. So George would have some friends to interact with. When he came home and gave Colton the new guys, I felt bad for poor old George. Colton dropped him like a hot potato:

Poor George...

Colton remembered him, picked him up, found the box of baby wipes and put George inside while he played with the new guys. The new guys danced on top of the box of baby wipes. George's days are numbered: 

I swear I'm not making this up. A two year olds imagination is always good for blogging about. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Potty training and other things..

Colton is officially 2 1/2 now, and we got him a potty. He's perfectly happy sitting in a poopy diaper all day long, so we're not pushing the issue of going on the potty. In fact, he runs when I even pull out a diaper to change him. Sometimes he runs in the backyard, closes the slider behind him, runs in his little play house and closes the door and little windows, all the while yelling, "NOOOOOOOO!". So, he may still be in diapers when he goes to kindergarten. I remember before I had kids I assumed you just potty trained at 2 years old and Poof! I was done, just like that. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically.

Colton has enjoyed pooping in the bathtub on occasion. He's done it exactly 3 times. The first 2 times weren't so bad, just a few terds. But, this last time it went something like this:
I was in our bedroom nursing Sydney before I put her down to bed. Colton was in the bathtub and I could hear him playing. He has a little action figure construction worker man that we've named George that he likes to play with in the tub. Suddenly I hear, "Oh no! George! Dirty poo-poo!" I was hoping it wasn't what I thought, and didn't want to remove Sydney from her snuggly spot since she was so content and dozing off. A minute later I heard Jason coming up the stairs who recently has shoulder surgery and only has the use of one arm. I heard his steps down the hall and then, "COLTON! No, buddy! Oh no!!" Then heard footsteps down the hall toward me. I removed Sydney, went into the bathroom and it was pretty bad. It was like he was in a bowl of poop stew. Gross. I showered him off, gently explaining that if he needed to poop....oh, what's the use?

Still love the little stinker!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Puppy, revisited

A little over a year ago I wrote a short post about Colton's puppy. He has two now, since we bought a spare just in case we lose one. Colton brings Puppy everywhere and has recently been playing "baby" with Puppy, as seen in this picture:


So, I decided to dedicate another post to Puppy and gathered pictures of the two of them.

This was taken right around Colton's first birthday. Puppy is always with him in the car.
Picture 190

Puppy in the crib

Picture 034

Out and about on Halloween with Puppy


Relaxing with Daddy and Puppy


Playing with Sophia and Puppy


Oh, Puppy


Chasing Mommy with the camera (dropped Puppy)


Playing in the garage with Puppy


Playing in the back yard with Puppy


Celebrating Easter with Puppy


Colton's 2nd birthday, after his party with Puppy


Puppy in the baby Bjorn


And last, introducing his baby sister to his beloved Puppy
